Wondering how to turn those accumulating credit card points into that much needed summer getaway? Trying to tighten up your company’s travel expenses and increase your bottom line? The company that made it easy to maximize those unused credit cards points has now expanded its menu of concierge services to help get you wherever you need to be. Get PEYD, the credit card reward and consultation company, has now launched PEYD Travel, a premier airline & hotel reservation service.
The numerous travel sites, mileage options and price structures can be overwhelming, and the newly expanded PEYD Travel department can simplify these complex itineraries while still maintaining the best value for the customer. Using our experience in rewards travel, we are better able to research and book the desired and often unavailable flights, and get people where they need to go quickly and efficiently.
Discounted Business and First Class, and Last Minute Domestic Coach
The PEYD Travel department will focus on providing corporate and business travelers with great deals on business and first class flights, and many last minute domestic options as well, while providing personal travel specialists to assist with all travel needs from start to finish. The service is geared towards companies of any size, those who travel regularly as well as sole proprietors and individuals who need to fly even on short notice. With the help of PEYD Travel, a last minute meeting, impromptu celebration or family emergency can be facilitated smoothly and economically.
“So often we hear from our customers that the flights and itineraries they require are either unavailable, way too expensive or that they are unfamiliar with all the different flights and options available to them to get them where they need to go. At PEYD Travel, business and personal travel is our specialty, and we are happy to offer this new service to the general public,” says Pinny Ackerman.
Credit Card Rewards and Travel Concierge!
Our company takes great pride in knowing the details and advantages of promotional offers so that we can pass on the advice to our customers. We evaluate and consult with our clients on how to receive the biggest return on their purchasing. At PEYD Travel, we will be offering advice as to the best travel programs to maximize the value for their employees’ business travel; we will even review companies’ overall travel expenses to see if we can reduce the overall expenditure.
Get PEYD also works with companies on how to maximize their bottom line in other ways. When companies advertise on Google for example, simply charging that on an American Express Gold card can earn double the points, representing additional monies and value earned by the transaction. This is just one of the many insider tips that our company has made it our mission to pass on to our customers as a value added service. We have worked with customers throughout the United States, Canada, England, Israel, and beyond. Our roster of clients includes local small businesses and Madison Avenue corporations.
This specialized niche and unique concept, whereby the customer gets paid for their product, is just one of the basic elements that keep our company growing. Our unique mix of talent and personalities and our passion for business and rewards travel combine to infuse every endeavor with passion and professionalism. We have a large network of clients and believe in making a personal connection in order to serve each one’s needs.
Travel is our business. Travel is our Passion. Travel is what we do.
For more information, contact our office at 646-801-7393, www.getpeyd.com, or info@getpeyd.com.