Turn your everyday spending into cash and travel benefits.
How We Help
Credit Card Recommendations
Earn more rewards on your everyday spending.
Browse our recommended credit cards or contact us for a custom recommendation.
Optimize Miles and Points
Are your points collecting dust waiting to be redeemed?
We help you get the most for your rewards and travel seamless while saving money.
Book Flights and Hotels
Get the flights and hotels you want the least amount of miles.
We book your travel and accept miles or cash as payment.
Stop leaving money on the table.
Millions of consumers don’t know how to effectively use their credit card points.
Are you overwhelmed with the confusing and misleading redemption options from your credit card company? We make it easy to maximize your rewards. Be the smart consumer.
At PEYD, we are dedicated to providing the best solutions for individuals based on their credit card usage and travel requirements.
Our veteran staff has over 20 years of experience in the travel industry
We leverage that knowledge and expertise to give our clients the ultimate travel experience.
Our aim is straightforward: to provide our clients with the unparalleled service, savings, and the travel experience that they deserve.